Belt Test Promotion

23 Jun in belt promotion, Grading, grading, kma

Fabricio MMA Diliman & Alabang-Cavite Gym on June 23

Two new purple belts where given to Mark Ng and Noel Ang, we congratulate you for the hard work and the dedication it took to get to this level.

Four new Blue belt, Stephen, JJ, Gerry and David where also awarded , congratulations , great effort it is an honor to give these belt to the students and I look forward to seeing more students progressing through the grades.


Belt Promotion

Congratulations to everyone who graded for white blue and purple belt stripes.

I would also like to congratulate the students from Mike Plata Diulliman and Dhan Hari gyms, and Rosen Rosette Fist gym who also where graded, keep up the good work and welcome to the team.

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