ARTICLE 5º - Fighting Conclusions

There is never a draw. Bouts will be decided by:


1)- SUBMISSION: Submission occurs when a technique forces an opponent into admitting defeat by:

1-) tapping with the palm against his opponent or the floor in a visible manner
2-) tapping with his feet on the ground (if he is unable to use his hands)
3-) requesting verbally to the referee that the fight be stopped (if he can neither tap with his hands or his feet)
4-) requesting that the fight be ended if the athlete gets injured or feel physically incapable or unprepared Also:
5-) the referee may end the fight giving victory to the one that applied the lock if he sees a lock being properly applied and is certain that the Athlete is exposed to serious physical damage.
6-) a coach of one of the athletes may request that the fight be ended either by directing himself to the referee or by throwing the towel into the ring for any reason
7-) When an athlete is under a submission position and he screams or say "Aï" , will be the same as if he taps.
The referee may end the fight when one of the athletes is injured or the doctor’s examination proves he is incapable to continue. If this occurs, the victory will be given to the opponent as long as the injury was not caused intentionally by conduct worthy of disqualification.
8-) When the athlete request that are eagerning caimbras, will be the same as if he taps.




A-) the use of foul language, cursing, or other immoral acts of disrespect towards the referee or any of the assisting public.

B-) biting, hair pulling, putting fingers into the eyes or nose of one’s opponent, intentionally seeking to injure genitalia or the use of fists, feet, knees, elbows, or heads with the intention to hurt or gain unfair advantage.

C-) when the fighter has his kimono ripped during the fight, the referee will give him a set time to change it. If the fighter does not change it in time he will be disqualified.

D-) The fighter must wear shorts under the pants, keeping in mind the risk that the suit might get torn or not sewed, If this occurs, the athlete will be given a set time determined by the referee to find another pair of pants to wear. If the athlete can not change within the set time, he will be immediately disqualified.

E-) When an athlete has been submitted to a lock and to avoid tapping out he runs out of the ring, he will be immediately disqualified. In such cases when it is considered a technical foul, not a disciplinary foul, the offender may return to the competition to fight the absolute division or in case of a bracket of three.

F-) When the athlete breaks any rule of the article



- On the first offense the offender will be given a verbal warning.
- On the second offense the offender’s opponent will be given an advantage.
- On the third offense the offender’s opponent will be given two points.
- After the third offense the referee may disqualify the athlete for any further fouls.

A-) The athlete will only be allowed to kneel after having taken hold of his opponents kimono.

B-) When either of the athletes run to one of the extremities of the ring to avoid combat, or while ground fighting flee by crawling or rolling out of the ring or by standing up avoiding engaging or purposely stepping out of the ring to gain time.

C-) When the athlete avoids engaging by taking off his kimono or by allowing it to be taken off with the intention of stopping the fight to allow himself rest or to avoid the attacks of his opponent.

D-) When the athlete inserts his fingers inside the sleeves or pants, or with both his hands on his opponent’s belt.

E-) When the athlete stalls the fight, holding his adversary and, not seeking to engage or gain submissions when in the guard, on top, or on the bottom.

Holding the opponent, standing up, or any position designed to stall. Noticing this the referee will request that 20 seconds be marked and say “LUTE”, making the gesture. At the end of the 20 seconds if the athlete hasn’t changed his position or shown visible signs of engagement, the referee say again “LUTE” and make the same gesture, penalizing the athlete and giving an advantage for the other, if he continues stalling the referee will stop the fight saying “PAROU”, and he will penalize the same, giving 2 points for the other, and both athletes will return to their feet at neutral positions. With the possibility of disqualification on the next offense

F-) NOTE: A penalty with immediate loss of 2 points occurs when an athlete runs from the ring in order to avoid a sweep that the referee considers would be completed, or when the athlete flees the ring in order to avoid a lock that has not yet been completed and not engaging in the article "E" for disqualification.


One of the 2 opponents is defeated after losing consciousness by any of the valid moves: strangling, pressuring, or take downs, or accidents in which the adversary has not committed any foul worthy of disqualification.



The competition through its nature makes the athletes use their technical abilities attempting to finish or neutralize their opponents. The point is the superior technique displayed during the match by putting the positions and negative points on the adversary.

The athlete cannot have score new points when he is in a position where he received points previously, changes position intentionally and returns to the same position.

Example: For knee on the belly and switching sides, there will be no new
points awarded.

The fight can be an ascending condition for technique, looking to dominate the adversary, working to finish the opponent.

No points will be marked for the athlete who is attaining a position while in a submission. Points will only be awarded after the submission is completely defended.

Example: When one athlete is mounted on his opponent but is in a guitine the points of the mount will be awarded only when the submission is defended.

The order of the referee

The positions sought technically and which are presented with importance in terms of strategy of the fighter and the finishing technique. If there is no finish the positions established will be translated into points to determine the winner.

Positioning: (Ordered by the referee)Positions are achieved through proper technique,. If there is no submission at the end of a match, the athlete gains victory by scoring more position points than his opponent.

A-) TAKE DOWNS: Any kind of knocking down the opponent or being taken down on his back side, 2 points. If the athlete is thrown to the ground and does not land on his back, the thrower must pin him to the ground in the same position for at least 3 seconds to gain the points of the take down.

Observation 1: the take down that lands outside of the fighting area and on to the security area will be valid as long as the athlete that applied it stood with both feet in the fighting area while making the take down.

Observation 2: If the athlete has one of his knees on the ground and is taken down, whoever applied the take down will be awarded 2 points as long as he has both his feet on the ground. If the athlete has both his knees on the ground and is knocked down the standing athlete will have to pass to his side and maintain this position to receive an advantage.

Observation 3: When the athlete attempts the double leg and the opponent sits on the floor and executes a sweep, the athlete who attempted the take down will not receive points, but the one who executed the sweep will.

Observation 4: When a competitor throws his opponent and ends up in a bottom position the competitor throwing will receive 2 points and the opponent on top will receive an advantage. If the competitor executing the throw lands in his opponents guard and is swept, both will receive 2 points.

B-) PASSING THE GUARD: Is when the athlete that is above his adversary or in between his legs, moves to his opponent’s side, establishing a perpendicular or longitudinal position over his adversary’s trunk, dominating him and leaving him no space to move or to escape the position—if even is on his side or back. 3 points NOTE: if the athlete that is underneath avoids the move by getting to his knees or standing up, the initiative will not be awarded 3 points but will be awarded an advantage.

C-) KNEE ON THE BELLY: When the athlete on top puts his knee on his adversary’s stomach, holding his collar or sleeve and belt with his other leg towards his adversary’s head: 2 POINTS.
OBS: if the athlete that is underneath does not allow his adversary to put his knee down onto his belly and if the one on top does not establish the position completely, it will not be awarded 2 points but an advantage.

D-) THE MOUNT: is when the athlete sits on his opponent’s torso; the opponent can be lying on his stomach, side or back. The one mounted can be on top of one of his opponent’s arms, but never on both. It will also be considered a mount if he has one knee and one foot on the ground, 4 POINTS.

OBS: no points will be awarded if his feet or knees are on his opponent’s leg. Also if an athlete applies a triangle while in the guard and in so doing lands mounted on his opponent, it will be considered a sweep, not a mount. (See the Guard)


F-) THE SWEEP: is when the athlete that is underneath has his opponent in his guard(in between his legs ) or the half guard (having one of his adversary’s legs between his) and is able to get on top of his adversary by inverting his position. 2 POINTS.

Observation 1: it will not be considered a sweep if the move does not begin from inside the guard or half guard.

Observation 2: When the athlete sweeping advances his position to the back of his opponent during the attempted sweep, he is awarded 2 points.

Observation 3: If starting in a guard position, an athlete attempts a sweep and both athletes return to their feet and the competitor attempting the sweep executes a take down remaining on top, he will be awarded 2 points.



Are penalties given to the athlete after committing a third offense .i.e. avoiding engaging, staling or not seeking ways to finalize the fight.

Stalling: In case the athlete make the classic installing on the cross side or North South position without seeking ways to submit

Holding the opponent, standing up, or any position designed to stall.

Noticing this the referee will request that 20 seconds be marked and say “LUTE”, making the gesture. At the end of the 20 seconds if the athlete hasn’t changed his position or shown visible signs of engagement, the referee say again “LUTE” and make the same gesture, penalizing the athlete and giving an advantage for the other, if he continues stalling the referee will stop the fight saying “PAROU”, and he will penalize the same, giving 2 points for the other, and both athletes will return to their feet at neutral positions. With the possibility of disqualification on the next offence.


It is considered an advantage when the athlete attempts but does not complete any of the fundamental moves of the fight; i.e. sweep, take down, submission etc.;

• Advantages through take downs: When there is a visible loss of balance in which the adversary nearly completes the take down. A visible loss of balance during an attempted throw will also result in an advantage.
• During closed guard (when the athlete on the bottom has his legs wrapped around his opponent’s waist):

A-) The one on top will earn the advantage by being on the offensive, trying to dominate his adversary’s guard (pass the guard). For the referee to consider it an advantage, the athlete that is on top must come close to passing the guard, forcing his adversary to exert energy to regain position e.g. half guard, almost immobilizing, etc.

B-) The one underneath will earn the advantage if he almost sweeps his opponent, putting him in a dangerous position, as well as when he attempts a lock that forces his opponent to defend. NOTE: for the sweep attempt to be considered worthy of an advantage the athlete underneath must open his legs.

When there is a tie situation on the scoreboard, it is up to the referee to decide if he will award an advantage, using the following judgments:
•Advantages will be awarded during standing fights or on the ground if the athlete attempts a technique with more aggressiveness and initiative, trying take downs , other finalizing moves during the fight.

Or showing that he dominate the fight most of the time by putting the opponent on the defensive

• Advantages through take downs: When there is a visible loss of balance in which the adversary nearly completes the take down. A visible loss of balance during an attempted throw will also result in an advantage.
•Advantages will be awarded during ground fighting if the athlete attempts a technique and puts his adversary on the defensive.

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