ARTICLE 2º - Equipment


The table that coordinates and directs the tasks and positions at the competition, is the one at which the announcer controller of the event and the competent authority; it will be placed in front of each ring will remain. Parallel to the directing table are chairs for the referees and a note-taker, (only they may occupy these chairs). Besides the referees’ chairs is a chair occupied by the inspector of the refereeing. It is the inspector’s duty to make sure that the refereeing runs smoothly, as well as to inspect the credentials of the competing athletes.

A. Chairs and tables:

Are to be placed strategically to the side of the competetion area for the best assesment of each match.

B. Score board:

For each area of competition there are two scoreboards, indicating the score horizontally, situated on the outside of the table, easily viewed by the referee, comission and the spectators.

C. Stopwatches:

Are mandatory for keeping track of the duration of the matches and the reserve time.

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